Institute’s magistrates present the project «Smart Library»

The magistrates of Ajiniyaz state pedagogical institute present  a project «Smart Library» – the project of a wise library that has never had any analogue in Uzbekistan. The library will be founded on the basis of informational technologies in the city of Nukus.

A wise library is considered to be a modern system complex, it will serve to deliver necessary information appropriate to the type  automatic and half-automatic ways according to the requirements of real and virtual users. The library will appropriate to the type «Smart Library» that is in the developed countries and makes the requirements of the world standards.

The library will be supplied with modern electronic equipments. They are:

— modern television;

— plotting boards;

— computer means;

— electronic board;

— a special plotting board for individual reading;

—a programme that helps to find a book that is in the library;

— electronic books.

The library will have the opportunities to take  foreign literature by loading, by the virtual connection with libraries of higher educational institutions in foreign countries. All this work will be done on the basis of close relations with higher educational institutions in foreign countries being realized under the leadership of the rector of the institute B.P.Otemuratov.

Every week professors, teachers and magistrates of the institute will organize master-classes and seminar-trainings in the library. Teachers and students will develop the new skills on the basis of such work, it will promote to using innovational ideas in practice in future.

The coverking centre will be formed in the wise library. The gifted students and magistrates will gather in the coverking centre and do the scientific research work on the creation of innovational ideas. The most important thing deserving attention is the library will be free of charge.

There was held a seminar devoted to the issues of using the wise library in practice at the department of methods of teaching Informatics  of the institute.


Adil Kenesbaev,

a 1-st-course magistrate of NSPI.