A student of the institute Dinara Nuratdinova has taken part in the international festival “Asil mura” that was held in Kazakhstan

A student of the educational branch “Music” of Ajiniyaz  Nukus state pedagogical institute, a laureate of international contests Dinara Nuratdinova took part in the festival of bahsi-jirau (bards) devoted to the 375-th anniversary of “Orbulak war”, it was held at a drama theatre named after Biken Rimova from November 15 to November 19 in the town of Taldiqorgan in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

About 11 participants from Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Karakalpakstan and other places presented their skill as bahsi-jirau on the stage of the theatre.

Our countrygirl Dinara Nuratdinova performed a song “Bile-bilmedim” (I don’t know) from the epos “Garip ashik”, that is considered to be a valuable heritage of Karakalpak folklore, before the spectators and foreign guests, introducing the rich art of the Karakalpak people.

At the end of the festival Dinara Nuratdinova was awarded a diploma and memorable gifts.


Islam Matekov,

Press secretary of NSPI.