What are the advantages of a five-ball system of assessment? A seminar was held at the Faculties of Physics-Labour and Mathematics-Informatics

Much work is being done at Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Ajiniyaz on carrying out in practice the orders adopted by the Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on explanation and advocating the reforms being realized in the system of higher education to students and teachers.

The seminar devoted to the explanation of the content and aims of the orders of  the Ministry and news in the system of education to students and teachers was organized at the Faculties of Physics- Labour and Mathematics-Informatics of the institute. There were discussed the following issues: the order of the Ministry «On application of the Statute of the system of  controlling and assessment of students’ knowledge at higher educational establishments», the results of the republican stage of the contest «The best Pedagogue of the higher educational institution», the order of the Ministry «Regulations on defining the work in study volume, teaching-methodical, scientific-research and “tutor-tutee” activity of teachers at higher educational institutions» and others.

The dean’s assistant in study work of the Faculty of Physics and Labour Zinatdin Jumagulov, the head of the department of Methods of teaching Mathematics, Candidate of Mathematical sciences, docent Barlikbay Prenov, the head of the department of Methods of teaching Physics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Amangeldi Kamalov made a speech at the seminar, explaining some points of the orders and the tasks that should be carried out in future.

The head of the Press service of the Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Farhad  Babashev took part in the seminar, he told his opinion on the ideas and recommendations given by the institute’s teachers and the work being done in practice.

At the seminar there were discussions, questions-answers and sharing opinions among teachers and students.


Islam Matekov,

Press secretary of NSPI.