Professional creative examinations have been started in Nukus State Pedagogical Institute

Today on JuLy, 25 there have been started professional creative examinations for the entrants of 2019-2020 academic year  in Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz on the directions “Painting and Engineering Graphics”, “Musical Education” and “Physical Culture”.


For the entrants of the bachelor direction “Painting and Engineering Graphics” there was held testing process on drawing and painting (Karakalpak and Uzbek groups), for the karakalpak groups of  the direction “Musical Education” –  on playing musical instruments, singing a song and theory of Music, for the entrants of the direction “Physical Culture”  (Karakalpak, Uzbek and Russian groups) there were organized exams on volleyball and basketball. 

For the purpose of organizing testing process in an objective way specialists from other higher educational establishments and parents participated there. 

Parents of entrants have been allowed special waiting places for watching the testing process, they have opportunity to watch the classrooms by means of videos and monitors.

Note: Professional creative examinations for the entrants of 2019-2020 academic year  in Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz on the directions “Painting and Engineering Graphics”, “Musical Education” and “Physical Culture” will be held since  July 25 till August 5 according to the timetable.