Department of history teaching methodology

Brief information about the department. The role of the region in the field of science and education 5110600 The methodology of teaching history for general secondary schools, academic lyceums and vocational colleges means the direction of study, which consists of a set of tools, methods, techniques.Types of professional services 5110600-Bachelor in history teaching methodology can provide the following types of professional services in accordance with his psychological and pedagogical, general professionalism and satisfaction – teaching: In general education schools, academic work as a history teacher in lyceums and vocational colleges. ; educational: work in out-of-school institutions; – Methodical reading: Work in the methodological offices of the ministries that implement education in this area, its network areas and departments. Opportunities for professional adaptation 5110600 A bachelor in the field of teaching methods of history can be adapted to the following types of professional services: – in historical museums: in the positions of guides, curators – in libraries; collector of literature. Currently, the Department of History of Teaching has a total of 25 professors and teachers, including 4 doctors of sciences, 4 candidates of sciences, 6 senior teachers and 11 teaching assistants.In 1934, with the establishment of the University Pedagogical Institute in Karakalpakstan, a water supply system was created for teaching the humanities, including history. In the 1937-1938 academic year, the Department of History was opened at the Pedagogical Institute. In the 1937-1938 academic year A. Tetyushev headed the history department of the Pedagogical Institute. On December 19, 1939, the head of the department, Y. Dostumov, froze. From 1942-1943 academic year he worked as the head of the department of history E. Dilmukhammedov, S. Omarov was replaced by E. Dilmukhammedov, then Z. Bikkulova, T. Bekimbetov and T. Chigataev were chaired. In the 1946-1947 academic year, two new history faculties were opened at the Karakalpak National Pedagogical Institute of Teachers: The department of general history was headed by the director of the institute T. Bekimbetov and the candidate of historical sciences Y. Dustumovs worked as the head of the department. From 1951-1952 academic year, the Department of General History was headed by P. Shmachkov, and the Department of History – A. Savichki (from 1956-1957 academic year – L. Rosenstein). Since 1973 K. Sarikbayev and J. Arzikhanov have been working at the departments of general history and history, respectively. After the reorganization of the Nukus National Pedagogical Institute in 1990, the Karakalpak Faculty of Language and Literature continued training history teachers and began training young specialists in this specialty. In the 1991-1992 academic year, the Department of History and Geography was created, headed by Zh. Abbiniyazov.On October 1, 1993, the Faculty of History and Geography was divided into two and the Faculty of History was reorganized. In the 1994-1995 academic year, the Department of History was headed by B. Shamambetov, and since 1995 – by M. Mambetullaev. In the 1995-1996 academic year, two new departments were created – the department of general history and the department of the history of Uzbekistan. The department of world history was headed by M. Mambetullaev, and the department of history of the peoples of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan was headed by M. Tlevmuratov. In 2002-2005, the department of the history of the peoples of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan was headed by R. Akhmetshin. In August 2005, the departments of general history and history of the peoples of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan were merged into the department of history of the historical and geographical faculty.M. Mambetullaev was appointed the head of the department. From 2009 to August 2020, the Department of History was headed by A. Saribaev. Since September 2020, it has been headed by Associate Professor R. Bozorbayev. In the 2014-2015 academic year, the department was reorganized under the name “Methods of Teaching History”. The total number of hours, the list of disciplines of the department of teaching methods of history in the 2017-2021 academic year.In the 2018-2019 academic year, the total annual workload of the Department of History Teaching Methods is 16,256 hours, of which 4388 hours of lectures, approximately 786 hours, 5796 hours of seminars, 160 laboratory hours, 1967 hours rating, 542 hours of coursework, 85 hours of transparent course. internship 982 hours, bachelor’s degree in work 1150 hours, master’s thesis 400 hours implementation of business plans.Achievements of the department. In the first years of independence, the role of historical departments in the formation of historical and pedagogical personnel and new intellectual forces of educational institutions of the republic was guaranteed. Attention was paid to a deep study of the history of our country. In this context, the department began work on the creation of new business curricula, teaching aids, seminars and reading of methodological literature. For a deeper study of the history of our people, the history of Uzbekistan, the history of Karakalpakstan, and the history of local history were included in the curriculum of the department.A field archaeological practice was organized for the study of historical and cultural monuments by students-historians. In May 1993-1994. A field archaeological practice was started for students-historians, and a field archaeological practice was carried out at the archaeological site Mizdakhan in Khojeli. From the 1995-1996 academic year, archaeological research of the Kerder culture was carried out among first-year students of historical qualifications, and field practices continued on the territory of the Nukus region, and then annually were carried out in the Shimbai and Takhtakor regions.He played a significant role in training personnel for the requirements of a new era, in the formation of education and national ideology among students. During the years of independence, the professors and teachers of the department have achieved one line of results in research work, accompanied by educational work. During the years of reorganization of the institute over the years of independence, professors and teachers of the department took an active part in the preparation of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids with new content. At the beginning of the XXI century, the teachers of the department achieved great success in carrying out research work on the topic “Actual problems of the history of Karakalpakstan.” In 2000-2017. The professors and teachers of the department have published 17 monographs, 16 textbooks and teaching aids, several teaching aids, scientific articles and dissertations. The department pays special attention to the victory over grant work and work on these scientific topics, accompanied by research work.Professors and teachers of the department conducted extensive research through fundamental, indicative and innovative scientific grants from the Center for the Development and Harmonization of Science and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. From 2000 to 2008, the department carried out work on 6 scientific topics on the basis of a state grant from the Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the reign of Professor M. Mambetullaev in 2000-2002. “The role of Kerder and Khorezm culture in the formation of medieval Uzbek statehood”, 2003-2005.“Medieval urban culture in the Amu Darya steppes (VI-XII centuries). “, 2005-2008” Medieval urbanization of the cities of Karakalpakstan (VI-XII years) “, Senior teacher Yusupov OV 2003-2004 “Karakalpaks in Northern Uzbekistan (Middle Ages and Modern Times)”, associate professor Sarikbayev M.V. 2004 -2006 “The policy of the Soviet government in relation to cotton monoculture and its consequences in Karakalpakstan”, 2007 completed projects Associate Professor R. Bozorbaev. At that time, the teachers of the department published 6 monographs, 5 readings and 72 scientific articles in the indicated areas of scientific grants. According to the results of scientific research in 2001, the Republican scientific-theoretical conference “Kerder culture and its place in history” was held, the materials of which were published in print. Over the years of independence, the department has a different attitude in the training of historians. In the 1992-1993 academic year, the department opened a postgraduate course in the specialty “History”. In 1994, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor B. Shamambetov in the department of history “1965-1985”. He successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Agrarian development of Karakalpakstan:  experience and problems “. In the same year, the candidate of historical sciences M. Mambetullaev became the first in the republic in the field of archeology. R. Akhmetshin successfully defended his dissertation on the topic “Cultural and educational work in Karakalpakstan in the post-war years (second half of the 40s). and the 50s of the twentieth century) “. In recent years, the staff of the department has been replenished with young specialists. In 2005 Y. Abdullayeva “Women’s issue in Karakalpakstan at the end of XIX-XX s. v.(socio-political aspect) “and in 2008 M. Sarikbayev” The policy of the cotton monoculture of the Soviet regime and its consequences in Karakalpakstan (1917-1990) “and in 2006 T. Kudiyarova” History of the trade union organization in Karakalpakstan (1917-1941 yy) “Ph.D. theses 2020 associate professor, i. k, R. J. Bozorbaev “Personnel policy successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in the Soviet Union and Karakalpakstan (1917-1941).At the same time, the department has a different heart for scientific, educational and educational work. Teachers and scientists of our department train young doctors of sciences and promote the historical science of our republic. Over the years of independence, the professors and teachers of the Department of History have been closely cooperating with foreign universities and research centers, conducting research and exchanging experience. In May 2001, Y. Abdullaeva, Candidate of Historical Sciences, returned to the Lomonosov Russian State University in the Russian Federation to improve her qualifications at the expense of the Ustoz Foundation.In 2008, Professor M. Mambetullaev (accompanied by Doctor of Historical Sciences T. Khodzhaev) published in Moscow the monograph “Early Medieval Memory of Kuyindi Kola”. Tilla Onlik -2008 “was awarded the honorary title. 2011-2019 “Topical issues of archeology, ethnography, history and historiography of the South Aral Sea” 2 international and 1 republican scientific and theoretical conferences, 2018 “Topical issues of the history of the peoples of the South Aral”, organized by professors and teachers. On December 14-15, 2018, an international scientific and theoretical conference “Topical issues of social and humanitarian sciences: development prospects” was planned and organized.In turn, professors and teachers of the department with their scientific speeches actively participate in international conferences abroad. Professors and teachers of the department take an active part in guiding student archaeological work, as well as in expeditions of international importance: assistant teacher of the department N. Tashrifov under the auspices of the Russian National Hermitage in Bukhara. Russia ”joint archaeological expedition. The results of this expedition in Pallachakent are published in the scientific and public circulation “Materials of the Bukhara Archaeological Expedition” from St. Petersburg. During the years of independence, the teachers of the department have achieved significant results in the quality of educational work among students, as well as in attracting and directing them to scientific research. In particular, the number of holders of national scholarships increased among students of history in 1999-2018. Among them: SHN for the national scholarship to them. Navoi. Kollibekova, F. Nadzhimova, A. Abdullaev, S. Omarov and A. Abdullaeva were awarded scholarships of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. A. Abdullayeva became the winners.At the Nukus National Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz in the field of educating students in the field of history as faithful and perfect people, in-depth study of their world history, the formation and development of cultural, spiritual and intellectual thought. work hard to achieve high results in this area, contributing to your selfless work.