Practical work in cooperation with Moscow municipal pedagogical university started at the institute
On November 14 a professor of Moscow municipal pedagogical university, Doctor of Philological sciences, a famous scholar E.F.Shafranskaya came to our institute.
The main purpose of the Russian scientist’s visit is to give lessons to the students and exchanging experience. All this work is being done on the basis of the agreement between Nukus state pedagogical institute and Moscow municipal pedagogical university on mutual cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture in 2018-2022.
During the meeting there were discussed the issues of scientific-pedagogical and research work, training the staff, increasing the scientific potential, development and improvement of the knowledge of teachers and students by exchanging experience, organization of scientific-theoretical conferences and debates, preparation of textbooks and methodical manuals for publication and other important issues of mutual collaboration.
The Russian scholar, professor E.F. Shafranskaya gave a demo lecture to the students of the educational branch “The Russian language and literature” of the faculty of foreign languages of the institute.
Islam Matekov,
Press secretary of NSPI.