The dean of the Faculty of pre-school and primary education was awarded a breastplate «Honorable woman»

According to the  Decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On measures of support of women-girls and further improvement of the work in the field of the family institute» adopted on February 2 in 2018 there was confirmed a breastplate “Honorable woman” for awarding the women who take an active part in the social and state work, contribute much into the formation and strengthening of family, protection of  maternity and childhood.

This year about 18 women-girls of the republic  were awarded this  breastplate. The dean of the Faculty of  pre-school and primary education of Ajiniyaz Nukus state pedagogical institute Ulbosin Seytjanova was awarded this breastplate.

Ulbosin Seytjanova has been a deputy of  the Council of  People’s deputies of the city of  Nukus since 2014. For her self-sacrificing  labor in the sphere of education she was awarded “Certificates of Honor” of the Ministry of Public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, federation of Trade Unions, Nukus city council (khakimiyat), the Council of the social-democratic political party “Adolat” and the rectorate of  the pedagogical institute. Besides, she was awarded the breastplates «Excellent worker of public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan », « Excellent worker of public education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan», «The 25-th anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan», «The 25-th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan».

U.Seytjanova is a Doctor of the international scientific academy «Antigue World», the record of her scientific and pedagogical work is 35 years, she is the author of  2  textbooks, more than 80 scientific articles, 12 manuals. Now she is working over the dissertation for getting Doctor’s degree  on the theme «Using folklore in moral education of the youth in Karakalpak folk Pedagogics».


Islam Matekov,

Press secretary of NSPI.