There was held a lesson by Kazakh Professor at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute at the faculty of preschool and primary education
There was organized a lesson at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute at the faculty of preschool and primary education by a professor of International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yassaui of Kazakhstan, doctor of pedagogical sciences Gulfayruz Erkibaeva.
She has shared with experience how to use innovative pedagogical technologies and research methods effectively in preschool and primary stages of education.
GulfayruzErkibaeva was awarded with the nomination “The best teacher of higher educational establishments of Kazakhstan” at 2009-2010 academic year. She is the author of above 550 scientific works, namely, she has published 4 monographies in Germany, 1 – in Poland, 1 – in Czech Republic, 3 – in Russia, 8 monographies in Kazakhstan.
Nowadays she is a member of dissertation council at Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.
There was also held a seminar-training for the professor-teachers of our Institute at the head of the Kazakh professor and there was signed a contract on preparing qualified specialists.
Islam Matekov