There was held a seminar-training by the professors of Kirgizstan in Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz
There was held a seminar-training on the faculty of foreign languages for the teachers of English. This training was conducted by a docent AynuraAydaralieva – candidate of philological sciences, the head of the department of Germanic languages of Naryn State University of Kirgizstan, Gulnara Akunova – a candidate of pedagogical sciences, a senior teacher of the department of English and Intercultural Communication of Kirgiz State University named after Jusip Balasagin.
To develop relations with Kirgiz higher educational establishments, to do researches, to exchange experience and solve actual issues of teaching foreign languages in cooperation it is also planned lectures and seminars by Kirgiz professors for the students of the department of English and Literature on May 28-31, 2019.