There was a meeting in town council of Moinak region devoted to the 85-th anniversary of Academician Jumanazar Bazarbaev

Today on November 1 in the meeting hall of town council (khakimiyat) of Moinak region there was held a ceremonial meeting with a great scientist, Academician Jummanazar Bazarbaev, devoted to the 85-th anniversary of his  birthday.

The ceremonial meeting was opened by the speech of khakim of the region S.Daniyarov. The foremost people of social-political, social-economical life of the region took part at the meeting. The dean of the faculty of History and Georgraphy V.Saribaev, the head of the department A.Embergenov of Nukus state pedagogical institute made reports about life, scientific-pedagogical, and social activities of the Academician.

We remind that in honour of the 85-th anniversary of Academician Jumanazar Bazarbaev there is planned holding of meetings, conferences and celebrations in the republic.


Islam Matekov,

Press secretary of NSPI.