A literary party devoted to the 90-th anniversary of the famous scholar and critic S.Akhmetov was held at the Philological faculty of the institute

On November 16 there was held a literary party  devoted to the 90-th anniversary of  the famous scholar and critic S.Akhmetov in the club “Ziyar” at the department of Karakalpak literature of the Philological faculty of the institute.

The literary party was opened by the dean of the Philological faculty S.Abdiev. In his speech he gave some information about the life and creative work of S.Akhmetov.

There were reports prepared by the scholars. Candidate of Philological sciences, docent M.Bekbergenova introduced to the participants’ attention a report «S.Akhmetov –the author of the textbook in literary study». It was emphasized that S.Akhmetov was one of the greatest persons of our country, who created his own school. His life and creative work is considered to be a good sample for young generation.

Candidate of Philological sciences, docent of the department of Karakalpak literature B.Davletov made a report on the topic «Role of S.Akhmetov in the study of poetry».

Another report was made by a magistrate in specialty “Karakalpak literature” A.Jaksilikova on the topic «The life and creative activity of S.Akhmetov» in which she analysed the works of the scholar.

A senior teacher of the department of Karakalpak literature S.Bauetdinova gave information about the scientific work of S.Akhmetov. Candidate of Philological sciences, docent S.Kazakbaev spoke about S.Akhmetov as a personality, remembering his best human qualities. Students asked a lot of questions and got answers to them at the literary party.