Marketing department
Was structured according to the Decree №48 Ministers Cabinet of Uzbekistan from January 28,1998. The main function of the department is to study the needs, of the enterprises, organizations and citizens of Uzbekistan, for educational services, and also development of relations between the Institute and consumers of specialists.
Basic objectives of the department:
- Formation of Commission on distribution of graduates to workplaces, defining real requirements to them, composing plans on final distribution, on the principle of it, forming individual list of every graduate.
- To assist in employment of Institute graduates and monitoring their activity after study.
- Study of current and future requirements in pedagogical resources in the sphere of education of Uzbekistan, on the principle of forming and updating of case of orders.
- Design and conduct measures on the development of relations in the sphere of training specialists.
- To conduct measures on provisions on implementation obligation agreements by students, studying on free –paying bases.
- To study and form requirements of employee officer (ministry, institutions. etc.) in the direction of bachelors and specialty of master (case of orders) for definition rating quotas of students appointment on government grants and free-paying bases.
- To form basis of information on implementation plans of appointments for learners(students on government grants and free-paying bases on announcement and contest admission) their list, number of students, their course, direction on specialty, language of learning and etc.
- To improve professional abilities of students on bachelor’s and master’s specialty, and also working with departments(scientific, methodical meeting, study –methodical facultative department and etc.),which are busy on distribution of graduates after study, and taking part on marking quality of work done by graduates.
- Agreements of department works on marketing system.
Tasks of inspectors on formation with students studying on free-paying bases:
-Arrangement formalization on training specialists with physical persons, organizations, companies
– To assist in employment of Institute graduates and monitoring their activity after study. During every academic year there are hold a lot of measures on employment of graduates, training at the Institute, including: there are always hold huge explanation works on working legislation, which is closely connected with employment of graduates, including “Position about procedure of objective training specialists on the bases of grants.”
– For learning quantity and territorial structure and also for effective distribution of graduates there is formed bank of bases, information about graduates of the year.
This information sends to all consumers of staffs, and also to Hakimiyats.
Tasks of inspector of working with young staffs;
- Carrying out all tasks based on Decree of President of Republic of Uzbekistan from 2, June 2005-2006 academic year with agreement about work out 3-year’s state work for all graduates bachelor’s and master’s specialty ,on adopting to the state work to the 3 year.
- Forming informational base with assistance of faculty, chairs and rectors.
- Studying the market situation, representation about statement of adopting the quota of students.
- Forming the base of date about setting up of graduates on workplace, timely answer on the request about dates to Ministry of High and Secondary- Special education.
- Forming the agreements with organizations to graduators studying on grants, considering their choose, in a minimal time of 3 year on state work ( 1 month)
- Help in time to provide the young persons with workplace, studying on grants’ base.
- Acquaintance graduators with workplace, organization labor market.
- To prepare date bases about arrangement of labor graduators of the last year.