International projects



According to the results of 2016 year Erasmus+ program of EACEA grand round 2 projects with NukSPI participating were selected for funding! 

  In the period of March 27-31, 2017 the kick off meeting and the workshop of 574097-EPP-1-2016-1-CY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “ P iloting ECVET to the national VET system of Russia and Uzbekistan ( RUECVET) ” project funded by Erasmus+ program of EU were held in Nicosia, Cyprus.

  Two team members of RUECVET project: form NukSPI – project coordinator Asiya Tureniyazova and executor Ilesbay Kunnazarov were participants of this three-day workshop organized at the University of Nicosia and Intercollege near this University.

   Participants took part in mapping exercise on development of learning outcomes for one discipline of specialty. Then every partner chose 3 courses for 3 specialties of 3 sectors of vocational education for further work on EU credits transfer.  Grant holder Patrics Morevs from Liepai University (Latvia), technical leader Louisa Papalouizu from Nicosia University and National coordinator of the Russian team Vitaly Kopnov made presentations and other participants discussed financial issues, work packages, work plan, dissemination and sustainability, donation of partner universities and other issues. Logotype and 1-st leaflet of the project as well as project web site were presented there.



On April 6-7, 2017 3 members (K.Kadirov, A.Tureniyazova, J.Urazimbetov) of the executive team of Nukus state pedagogical institutenamed after Ajiniyaz participated on the kick off meeting of MAGNET project which was held in Ferghana State University.

During those days presentations were made by the European partners, including grant holder, and by local partners from Uzbekistan. They told about their experience in the field of the project, their role in the project and plans for the future. Asiya Tureniyazova, contact person and executor of MAGNET , made the presentation of NukSPI team . For NukSPI this is the first foreign grant, the first project funded by EU, so we are the newcomers in Erasmus+ program. That’s why our team has very strong motivation for cooperation and successful implementation of the project tasks.  3 team members of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, another partner from our region, also participated on kick off meeting. Minister Umar Saburov made the presentation on the role of the Ministry in the project.  Participants of the meeting received all information on project activity, financial issues, work packages and upcoming events.
