

Prospective students on admission to study in college admissions passes the following documents:

  • statement addressed to the rector of the institution, indicating the direction of language and forms of education;
  • original instrument of secondary and secondary special, professional education;
  • medical report on Form 086 / Y;
  • passport copy;
  • 6 photos 3,5 x4,5 cm;
  • original document winner of international and national competitions, contests and competitions, proving his right to enroll in non-competitive basis;
  • recommendation for study of the military unit in which the applicant held for military service.

Entrants to the Institute of Physical Education, besides the above mentioned documents must pass a document confirming the athletic skills (sports book category), 8 photos (for a special inspection of sports).

Persons entering into special correspondence department, pass an extract from the work book in the prescribed manner.

In a special section the persons who have only secondary special, professional education and have at least 3 years of teaching experience.

Passport and a document on military duty imposed personally.

Foster school committee for three days before the tests on the notice board put up lists of students into groups and layout buildings and classrooms.

If the above documents the selection committee has no right to refuse the admission of the candidate. Citizens have the right to receive the second and subsequent higher education on a contractual basis (the law “On Education”, paragraph 14).

Entrant for 3 days before the tests carefully studying the pattern and remembers the name and location of housing, floor and number of audience, where he will pass the test trials.

3 days before testing of applicants are given a pass, which shows the group number.

Testing day, a special extra-mural departments of educational institutions is based on the” Regulations “in the Uzbek , Russian and Karakalpak languages in all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the same day, at the same time.

Admission of applicants in housing starts in the test day at 7.30 am. At the entrance to the housing applicant makes a pass on duty and passport. From 8.00 Applicants are in the audience with a number that matches the number of their group. Admission of students in the audience stops at 8.30.

Entrants are prohibited to carry dictionaries, reference books, tables, notebooks, crib sheets, calculators and cell phones.

Late applicants (after 8.30) for testing are not allowed.

Applicants, not who appeared at the appointed time, additional testing is test;

Students pass tests in the language in which to study at university.


Абитуриентларга имтиҳон куни ҳаракатланиш бўйича йўриқнома



ДТМ нинг расмий веб-сайти орқали рўйхатдан ўтиш бўйича



Абитуриентлар учун жавоблар варақасини тўғри тўлдириш бўйича йўриқномаси