History of the  faculty

Since the opening of the Karakalpak state pedagogical institute in 1934, students of the institute have been trained in physical education. However, there were no special faculties or special chairs preparing physical education specialists at the institute. In the post-World War II years, a great deal has been made for the development of physical education and sports in Karakalpakstan , especially among the youth. In the post-World War II years, the institute began to carry out a large-scale work on the organization and carrying out of physical training and win-sports activities among students. These hours were devoted to organizing physical training classes, winning-sporting activities, strengthening health and other activities at the military unit of the institute. At the institute, at the stage of development, planning and development of educational work and organizational work, many Professor-teachers worked hard. Since February 1945, the captain of the Second World War, Sabyr Kamalov, the late academic, became a senior lecturer in the military department and has contributed greatly to the development of physical education and sports. Later, at the institute, in 1947, the Department of “Physical Training” was created by special faculties, and the chair was headed by well-known athlete pedagogue Hamid Khabibullin. In 1956 at the Karakalpak State Pedagogical Institute the faculty “Physical training” was opened and the department of physical training was created and 50 students were enrolled in the faculty this year. Graduates of Leningrad State Institute of Physical Culture named after P.L. Lesgaft for the first time at the newly opened Faculty of Physical Education Krasnikova E.V. Dean of the Faculty, Khotenko EP Head of the Department of Physical Education and Methods of Physical Education. During this time, the faculty consists of graduates of the Moscow State Institute of Physical Culture; Gulimbetov Q., Kagarmanov Q.T. and Izimbetov AI, graduates of Leningrad State Institute of Physical Culture; Solovev VI, Pushkin V.F. and Graduates of the Tbilisi State Institute of Physical Culture; Biblis RG, Osipov E.M. have a great contribution to the development of specialists in sports. In addition to educational and educational work at the institute on newly organized physical training, the results of the positive work of physical education specialists in the development of educational and pedagogical and victorious sports have emerged. The institute has been a member of the Institute since 1956 due to the hard work of physical training specialists; Greco-Roman wrestling Zaytov N., academic rowing sport Osetrov N., Kublashev T., Ahmedov K., Fedotov I., Terekhin V. and Vlasenko N. took part in the first international tournament of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IKA) held in Moscow. Graduates of Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami were recruited to the faculty in 1958-1959 to complete the teaching staff of the faculty and qualified personnel. In 1960 he graduated from the Karakalpak State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physical Education, the specialty of the first swallows. In 1990, after the re-opening of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Departments of Physical Education and Sport, Physical Education and Sport, and Physical Education were opened in the Faculty of Physical Education. Between 1990 and 2005, he worked as a Dean of the Faculty of Sports Mustafaev Sh.A., candidate of biological sciences Jienbaev B., docent Nurymbetov K., docent Aytniyazov A., docent Mambetov J., dean of faculty in 2005-2015, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Niyazov A. Since 2015, the dean of faculty is candidate of biological sciences Utepbergenov A. working. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Department of Physical Training is headed by trainer Kazakov Azat Rajapovich, a trainer of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. At the Department of Physical Education there are 27 pedagogical staff, of which: 1 professor, 2 candidate of science, 3 associate professors, 8 large bullets and There are 14 assistants in the department. For each academic year, the chair is discussed at the Scientific and Methodical Council of the department, which is necessary for the implementation of the department, and on the basis of appropriate measures, the department carries out planned work. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Physical Culture is headed by teacher Erejepov Atabay Zhumabaevich at the faculty “Physical training and physical training”. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics There are 9 pedagogical staff in the Department of Physical Education; 5 senior lecturers and 14 assistants – teachers. For each academic year, it is discussed at the department of scientific and methodical work of the department, and on the basis of appropriate measures the staff of the department is involved     Chairs (Departments):   Theory and Practice of Physical Training Head: Azat Kazakov dotcent Field of research: Role of Physical Training in Educational Process Tel .: (+998-61) 222-81-95 е- mail : jistarbkaf-ndpi@inmbox.uz   Physical Training   (inter-faculty) Head: Ataubay Erejepov Field of research: History and Relationship of Oriental Wrestling. Tel .: (+998-61) 222-81-95 е- mail : jissportkaf-ndpi@inbox.uz