Methods of teaching geography

In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the issue of geographical education, which corresponds to the opening of a higher education institution of higher education, was put on the agenda and resolved. In the 1953–1954 academic year, a department for training geographers was opened with the aim of teaching geographic personnel in the structure of the natural-geographical faculty, at first T.F. Nigay, and in 1954 the department of geography and chemistry was separated and supervised by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor P.Z. Fisher. From that time on, the foundation of the educational center for geographical higher education was laid down according to the structure of the pedagogical institute, and the first head of the department confirms N.А. Bem. In the department of the newly organized Department of Geography, T.F. Nigey, E. Umurbaev, K. Urazov. And also, it is appropriate to note A.T. Turdymetov, M. Barlybaev, Professor J. Matmuratov, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor AB Bekbulatov, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences J. Ibrahimov, geologist K. Urazova. The names of professors-teachers of the department Z. Matmuratov (1963-1976) and associate professors A. Bekbulatov, K. Orazov, E. Umurbaev, A. Turdametov, J. Ibrahimov and A. Tileubergenov, who actively participated in the training of personnel of the highest category, deserve special mention. and organizing, enhancing the effectiveness of research and development. Since then, the Karakalpak State Pedagogical Institute has laid the foundation, and at the expense of the sons and daughters of the local population, the training of highly qualified geographers for the national economy began. Separately, the role of the former head of the department, Professor J. Matmuratov (1963-1976) and associate professor A. Bekbulatov, who actively participated in the preparation of highly qualified geographers, organizing research projects and increasing productivity in the pedagogical institute. They devote half of their academic teaching life to training, creating textbooks for universities, teaching aids and manuals, as well as preparing scientific and monographic works. In 1990, the newly formed Pedagogical Institute was named the Nukus Pedagogical Institute. Since 1993, the Department of Geography began working at the Department of Historical and Geographical Department, headed the department by Ph.D. in Geography, associate professor J. Zhalgasbaev (1993-1996). Associate professor K.Dauletova, R.Gaipova, G.Utepova, A Kurbaniyazov and Z.Abdiramanov began their activities at the department. At the same time, the teachers of the department became the authors of several monographs, manuals, scientific articles. Head of the department since 1997, Ph.D. E.Umarov, since 2003, Ph.D. Assoc. A.Kurbaniyazov, from 2003-2018 the department was headed by Ph.D. Associate R. Gaipova. Currently heads the department of Ph.D. K.Jaksimuratov. The department has 1 doctor of science, 4 candidates of science and associate professor, 5 senior teachers and 3 assistant teachers. At the VIII Congress of the Uzbek Society of Geography, which was held in 2009 in Nukus, the scientific works of teachers and students of the department were published in the materials of the congress. Students and staff of the Department of Geography of the NGPI were able to meet with delegates of the Eighth Congress of the Geographical Society of Uzbekistan. At the Department of Geography special attention is paid to the issue of training, as well as the organization of research work and improving the effectiveness of the discipline. Over the past five years (2009-2014), 112 scientific articles, 14 manuals, 7 monographs of professors – teachers of the department have been prepared and published. Over the past years, following the results of research work of gifted students, the department has published 16 articles and 2 scientific and methodological manuals in scientific and international materials of the conference and scientific journals. At the department in the 2011-2012 academic year, the 4th year student Kh.Tazhibayeva became the Azhiniyaz scholarship, in the 2013-2014 academic year, the 4th year student K.Uzbayev, the Ulugbek scholarship. In addition, in May 2014 at the National University of Uzbekistan in the 2nd round of the Republican subject Olympiad took third place in “Geography” M. Sobirov, a 4th year student of the direction “Geography and fundamentals of economic knowledge”. Professors and teachers of the department conduct large-scale studies of fundamental, applied and innovative research grants from the Center for the Development and Coordination of Science and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Along with them, the fundamental scientific grants headed by Ph.D. prof. E.Umarov on the theme А-1-194 “Regional problems of socio-demographic development of the rural area of ​​the Republic of Karakalpakstan taking into account the ecological peculiarities of the region” (2006-2008 in the amount of 33.2 million soums), on the theme ID-1 -6 “Development and preparation for publication of a new generation of textbook Economic and social geography of Karakalpakstan” for students of higher educational institutions of students in Karakalpak language (2009-2010, the amount of 13.1 million soums), as well as together with professors KSU named after Berdakha OT-F7-037 “Development of a regional strategy for sustainable economic development of rural areas of the Republic of Karakalpakstan”. In the above areas, the teachers of the department published 3 monographs, 5 teaching aids, 32 scientific articles and 11 scientific theses. During 2016, the teachers of the department published 3 monographs, 1 methodical manual, 3 articles in primary journals, 2 articles in foreign collections and 17 written theses. Gifted students published 7 theses. In 2017, 1 monograph, 2 manuals, 3 scientific articles and 17 theses were published. Gifted students published 9 theses. Teachers of the Department of Geography annually organize international conferences and seminars devoted to the “Earth Day”, “Environment Day”, as well as the international “Mountain Day”, where all students actively participate. At the department, special attention is paid to educational and scientific work and to sports competitions, so the team of teachers took the 1st place in sports competitions held at the institute in the 2013-2014 academic year, and this is a significant contribution of students of the geography department. In 2018, the department organized 2 republican scientific-theoretical conferences, 3 teaching aids, 3 scientific articles and more than 120 tey scientific theses were published. Of these, 30 theses student. The 3rd year student A.Sharibaev became a scholar of the name of Islam Karimov. The teacher of the department K.Uzkbaev entered the doctoral program in 2019. the Republican scientific-theoretical conferences are scheduled to take place in April.