Department of Physics Teaching

In 1990, in connection with the opening of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, the Department of Physics and Labor was established in the Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy. Nowadays there are two candidates of science, one senior teacher and five assistant teachers. In 1992, with the opening of new specialties, the Department of “General Technical Sciences” was separated. From 1935 to 1949, prof. P.F.Kromer was the head of the department. In 1942, the dots. BDFrank Associate Professor A. Nurimbetov in 1949-1937 1973-1976 years dots. A.Majitov Currently, 3 PhD, 8 PhD, 1 senior teacher, 8 assistant teachers are teaching, teaching and research at the Department of “Methods of Physics Teaching”. At the department 1 science booth manager and 4 laboratory assistants work closely. Professors and teachers of the department have an average age of 46% and scientific potential is 58%. Currently, 298 students are trained in the Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Astronomy. The Department is a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, International Kazakh-Turkish University and others. On November 11-13, 2013 in our institute the scientific-practical conference “Physics and ecology” devoted to the 60th anniversary of A.Jumamuratov was held. The conference was attended by well-known scientists of the Republic. At the department is spent on research of young scientists with the sum of 30mln 910мг and Science and Education grant 25mln soums, 55mln 910 thos. Soums, and extraction of extra-budgetary funds. On the basis of the contract, the department is working on a collaborative work with academic lyceums №1, №2, №3, №4, Shumanay, Ellikkala, Turtkul, Takhtakupir, Muynak, Kegeyli, Nukis districts and Nukus city general education schools. The last 5 years of work by the professors of the department: a-x. f.d. 2 Prerequisites and co-requisites: Ajimurat Jumamuratov 1, Manzura (Sovremennoe agrogeoksimicheskoe sostoyaniya oroshaemyx pochv Respubliki Karakalpakstan i puti ix uuchsheniya 2013) 2 manuals (Nuclear physics 2013, Atomic nuclear and elementary particle physics, 2016 j) Turmanov I, Karlybaeva G. (Fundamentals of Methods of Teaching Physics (translation) 2015). Garlybaeva G., Matjanov N. (Physics and Astronomy Teaching Methodology 2017)