It was celebrated 90th anniversaries of Heroes of Uzbekistan Ibrayim Yusupov and Tolepbergen Kayipbergenov in Tashkent State Pedagogical University by our students

In honour of 90th anniversaries of National poet IbrayimYusupov and National writer Tolepbergen Kayipbergenov there are organized literary parties, meetings and other measures in all regions of our republic.

The students of  Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, who are developing their knowledge now in Tashkent State Pedagogical University organized a literary-thematic party on the theme “Two high trees of Karakalpak literature”.

The Vice-Rector of the University O.Kuysinov opened this party and the members of  Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan Rustam Musurmon, Bayram Aytmuratov made their reports on the literary career, works of I.Yusupov and T.Kayipbergenov, their role in Karakalpak, Uzbek literature  and also literature of Central Asian people. 

After the official part of this party the students of  Nukus State Pedagogical Institute recited the extracts from literary works of I. Yusupov and T.Kayipbergenov to the audience.