There was held closing ceremony of republican Olympiad on the subject “The Kazakh Language and Literature” at our Institute. Who is the winner?

As we have informed before, there was organized the second stage of  republican Olympiad  on the subject “The Kazakh Language and Literature” on May 13-14 at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute.

Studentsfrom several higher educational establishments, namely Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizamiy, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Gulistan State University, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh took part in it on the subject “Kazakh and Literature”. According to the agenda all participants wrote an essay and had recitation on the first day, next day they made presentations and had test works to check students’ knowledge and skills.

According to the results, a 2nd –year student of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Ayapova Nargiza was a winner of this competition who had 315,6 points, a 2nd-year student of Tashkent State Pedagogical University Abduvakhid Majitov was awarded with the second place – 292,6 points, and the third place was given to a 3rd-year student of  NavoiState Pedagogical InstituteShalkharJaksilikov who gained 287,8 points.

All the winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes.