NEWS: It was formed a faculty of Pedagogy of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute in Ellikhala

According to the presidential decree of Uzbekistan about “Measures of further improving the system of preparing entrants to higher educational establishments” (№3290 September 26, 2017) there was formed a faculty of Pedagogy of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute after Ajiniyaz in Ellikhala on the base of order №669 of Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of Uzbekistan on July 24, 2019.

This faculty is situated in Ellikhala, Street Khaliqlar Dosligi 2, in the building of Bostan academic lyceum of Karakalpak State University.

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute takes responsibility for organizing teaching process, forming groups of students who live in Ellikhala and close territory, providing the faculty with experienced professors and teachers and improving its material and technical base.