A volleyball team “NSPI” of Karakalpakstan took a 2nd place in the championship of Uzbekistan
On February 8-16 there was held XXVI Uzbekistan Women’s Championship on volleyball in Djizzakh. Volleyball players from 11 teams participated there divided into 2 groups.
According to the results of group “B”, a team of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute beat all opponents and came to the final.
In the final match the opponent of our team was a team “SKUF” from Uzbek State university of physical culture and sport of Tashkent region which was a finalist from the group “A”. As a result our team was awarded a second prize.
Members of the team “NSPI” N. Reyimbaeva was awarded with a nomination “The best player”, and M.Kamiljanova was nominated as “The best libero player”.
Our volleyball players were trained by Azat Kazakov, a honored trainer of Karakalpakstan, Honorable teacher of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, a veteran of Uzbek sport and a Master of Sport.
Islam Matekov,
A press secretary of NSPI.