Professor-teachers of Kuban State University of Russian Federation are holding classes at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
5 professor-teachers of Kuban State University of Russian Federation are holding classes at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz. Namely:
– The head of the Department of Applied linguistics, a candidate of philological sciences Bodony Marina is organizing lessons for 1st and 2nd –year students of the department of English and Literature on the topic “Practice of English”;
– Yuliya Gakame, a docent of the department “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”, a candidate of pedagogical sciences is conducting lessons for 3rd–year students on the direction “Primary Education and Sport” on the topic “Aspiration: Conceptsandpsychological-pedagogical techniques of achieving it”;
– A professor of the department “General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics”, a candidate of philological sciences Tangir Kizlargul conducts a lesson for 1st stage-students of magistracy on the specialty “Russian and Literature” on the topic “Methods of teaching special disciplines”;
– A doctor of pedagogical sciences, a professor of the department “Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education” Andrey Ostapenko is teaching 1st-year students of the direction “Pedagogy and Psychology” on the topic “Pedagogy of teenagers’ mature”;
– Elena Shlyubul, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, a docent of the department “Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education” has lessons for 1st-year students of the direction “Methods of teaching mathematics” on the topic “Security of vital activity: theory and practice”.
We inform that this year in March the delegation led by the rector of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute has been on the reception of Kuban State University’s rector M.Astapov, there was signed a contract on relationship between these two higher educational establishments to exchange experience, to prepare qualified specialists and to fulfill scientific and pedagogical investigation.