A student of NSPI Gulnura Seytjanova was directed to international championship on hand-to-hand fighting

This year on February 7-11 there was held Uzbekistan’s Championship on hand-to-hand fighting among the sportsmen at the age of 18-35 in Tashkent, Sport Palace “Universal”.


There participated sportsmen from Karakalpakstan Republic, Tashkent and other regions.

A student of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, faculty of foreign languagesGulnuraSeytjanovaparticipated as a part of a national team from Karakalpakstan in this competition at the category with 70 kilograms.


Having gone in for «Taekwon-do WTF» for 4 years, “Hand-to-hand fighting” for 6 months she won her opponents from Andijan, from Tashkent and was directed to semifinal. In the fight with her opponent from Tashkent Gulnura showed her high level of readiness in the first round and knocked out her opponent.


In the semifinal, in the fight with another sportsman from the capital, our student Gulnura lost by points and won the bronze medal of the championship.

As a result, Gulnura Seitzhanova as one of the top three sportsmen of the competition, was directed to the World Championship, which will be held in June this year in Tashkent.


– My trainer Jahangir Seitaev made a contribution to my achievement. Nowadays we are training to take part in the World Championship, which will be held in March this year in Surkhandarya region, – saysGulnura.


Islam Matekov,

a press secretary of NSPI.