The outstanding Russian scientists in using pedagogical and psychological innovative technologies came to our institute with a visit

On November 23 at Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Ajiniyaz there was held a meeting with the scientists of the faculty of Pedagogics and Psychology of Russian state pedagogical university: the head of  the department of teaching Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, professor L.S.Podimova  and a senior teacher of this department, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences M.S.Sotnikova.

The rector of the institute B.P.Otemuratov received the guests from Russia and they discussed the issues of mutual cooperation in the field of scientific-research work being done today and in future. The scientists also told their points of view about the results and advantages of mutual cooperation.

Then the Russian scientists had a meeting with the teaching staff in Pedagogica and Psychology, aspirants, magistrates and students of the institute.

During the meeting the Russian scientists gave the fullest information about the higher education university where they are working, the state of scientific-research work, the requirements to magistrates and doctors there, and advantages of mutual collaboration. The teachers, magistrates and students got answers to the questions they are interested in.

At the end of the meeting the Russian scientists presented their works –books and manuals devoted to the issues of using pedagogical and psychological innovative technologies and they accepted the suggestions of translating them into Karakalpak, and expressed their opinion of further mutual cooperation.


Islam Matekov,

Press secretary of NSPI.