Sport competition devoted to the holiday

There was held the sport competition in mini-football among the teachers of Ajiniyaz Nukus state pedagogical institute.

The teams of all Faculties and institute administration took part in this sport competition devoted to the «Military month of love for Motherland» and 27-th anniversary of foundation of Armed forces of Uzbekistan and the holiday «January 14  – Day of  defenders of Motherland».

In the result of the competition  a team of the Faculty of  Physical culture took the 1-st place, a team of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics – the 2-d place and a team of the Faculty of History and Geography – the 3-d place.

— Taking part in sport competitions and activities strengthens our health,- says an assistant of the dean of the Faculty of  Physical culture Kulmurat Kenjebaev. – Such kinds of competitions among teachers and students are often organized at the institute. That’s why  young sportsmen of the institute achieve good results and become winners in some kinds of sport in the republic.

Winners of the competition were awarded Diplomas and memorable presents  on behalf of the Institute administration, Sport club and trade union of the institute.


Islam Matekov,

Press secretary of NSPI.


Photos taken by R.Mustafaev.