Turtkul multiplicity technical college under Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz

Turtkul multiplicity technical college under Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Established by the decree of the president of  Republic of Uzbekistan “improving  the professional education system” .

            Ajiniyaz nomidagi Nukus davlat pedagogika instituti huzuridagi To’rtko’l ko’p tarmoqli texnikumi O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2019 yil 6-sentyabrdagi PF-5812 «Professional ta’lim tizimini yanada takomillashtirishga doir qo’shimcha chora-tadbirlar to’g’risida»gi farmoniga  asosan tashkil etildi.

To’rtko’l ko’p tarmoqli texnikumida 2020-2021 o’quv yilida:

Turtkul multiplicity technical college in the 2020-2021 academic year – Kompyuter injiniringi 2 ta guruh

Computer engineering two groups – Buxgalteriya hisobi va audit 2 ta guruh

Accounting and audit two groups – Kimyoviy texnologiya

Chemical technology – Veterinariya meditsinasi

The medicine of veterinary – Ekologiya va atrof muhitni himoya qilish

The protection of nature and ecology


yo’nalishlari bo’yicha o’quvchilar qabul qilinib darslar o’tilyabti.

the students were accepted and heve been studying.



O’quvchilar haqida ma’lumot.

The information of the students. – Kompyuter injiniringi guruhida 40 nafar o’quvchi

There are 40 students in Computer engineering group. – Buxgalteriya hisobi va audit guruhida 42 nafar o’quvchi

There are 42 students in Accounting and audit group. – Kimyoviy texnologiya  16 nafar o’quvchi

There are 16 students in Chemical technology group. – Veterinariya meditsinasi 26 nafar o’quvchi.

There are 26 students in the medicine of veterinary group. – Ekologiya va atrof muhitni himoya qilish 15 nafar o’quvchi

There are 15 students in the protection of nature and ecology.

Texnikumda hozirgi kunda 1 ta o’quv binosi mavjud, 2021 yil 18-yanvar sanasidan  dars mashg’ulotlari olib borilmoqda.

There is an educational apartment nowadays, The activities have been continuing Since 18.01.2021.

Yo’nalishlarning va ixtisosliklarning barchasi bo’yicha malaka talablari  va namunaviy o’quv rejalari mavjud.

There are qualification requirements and standard curriculums in all specialties and fields.

To’rtko’l ko’p tarmoqli texnikumi direktori Yusupova Zevar O’rinbayevna

The head of Turtkul multiplicity technical college Yusupova Zevar O’rinbayevna.

Tel: +99(899)457-70-19