Department of karakalpak literature
Department of “Karakalpak literature” is unique, not only in the Republic of Uzbekistan, but also in the world as a part of this word-for-word. When creating the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, the department is one of the first opened departments and has a history of 83 years. The first organizer of this event was N.Davkaraev, a prominent literary doctor in Central Asia, and a well-known folklorist professor of the Turkic world, Professor Q.Ayimbetov. In recent years, the department has greatly contributed to the scientific and pedagogical potential of this department by Doctors of Philology, professors S.Akhmetov, Q.Maksetov, K.Mambetov, Q.Kamalov, A.Pahratdinov, Q.Sultanov, J.Narymbetov. After the opening of the Nukus State University on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute in 1976, the Department of “Karakalpak literature” was in this university until 1990. In 1990, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute was reorganized as part of the Faculty of Philology, and the Department of Karakalpak literature was organized. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor K.Kamalov was the head of this department. The chair of “Karakalpak literature” is headed by professor K.Allambergenov in 1991-1998, 2004-2006. From 1999 to 2003, this department was managed by Doctor of Philology, Professor K.Kamalov and Ph.D., associate professors M.Bekbergenova, I.Utealievs. The most urgent issue of this year is the provision of teachers with academic degrees, involving young specialists in science, for which purpose the doctors of philological sciences, professors A.Pakhratdinov, S.Bahadirova, candidates of philological sciences, associate professors A.Kozhikbayev, M.Bekbergenovas and assistant teachers were complemented by such young teachers as Sh.Ayapov, S.Kazakbaev, Q. Mambetov. As a result, in the 1997-1998 academic year, the department received 4 doctors of science, professors, 2 candidates of science, associate professors. The graduate student at the institute has become a talented, talented youth. At present, many of them (S.Kazakbaev, E.Eshniyazova, I.Dilmanov, H.Jakimova, A.Utambetova) are Candidates of Science. From 2007 to 2012 she was the candidate of philological sciences, docent B.Davletov. Since February 2013, Doctor of Philology, professor, laureate of the State Prize named after QR Berdaq, the head of the Public Education Council of Uzbekistan Kenesbay Allambergenov. Kenesbay Allambergenov is a talented writer and educator with talent, skill. He is a member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan. He is the author of more than one dozens of fine exemplary science programs and textbooks, 4 textbooks, 4 monographs and 150 scientific papers. In 1985, he defended his dissertation on the topic of “Aytek in Karakalpak literature” at the Specialized Council of the Institute of Language and Literature named after A.Navoi. In 1997, he defended his dissertation on this Specialized Council. Associate Professor in 1994, Professor of Science in 2010. S uch doctors, as well as doctors of philological sciences, professors Q.Orazymbetov and A.Pahratdinov, candidates of philological sciences M.Bekbergenova, S.Zazakbaev, B.Davletov, S.Bauetdinova are working in this department. Thus, the Department of Oriented Tradition is currently pursuing systematic and consistent systematic work aimed at achieving the highest peaks in the educational, scientific and spiritual and educational spheres. In particular, the department’s professors and teachers work on the main issues of their professional activity in the sphere of education of Karakalpak literature to bring to the level of secular standards, to create appropriate curriculums and curricula, to create educational and methodical literature, to improve the quality of students’ is currently working on the latest innovative pnhtnology requirements in the field of writing of the methodical complexes. Nowadays there are 5 professor-teachers in the main faculty, 1 professor-teacher at the rate of 0,25, total 6,25 professor-teachers. Among them 2 doctors of sciences, professors, 3 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 1 candidate of sciences, senior teachers with no academic degree 2, work at 0,5 rate. The scientific degree of the department is 75%. Among the professors-teachers are 1 professor Professor of Karakalpakstan, a laureate of the state scholarship named after Berdakh, 2 professors and teachers of the Uzbek national education. Professors and teachers of the department carry out scientific, scientifically-methodical work according to their scientific degrees and titles. For example, in the last five years, Prof. Orazzetov’s “The evolution and typology of genres in modern Karakalpak lyric”, “Theory of Kushki”, in the past five years. prof. A.Pahratdinov’s “The method of shedding Karakalpak literature”, “The world of picturesque Berdaq choyir”, “The world of imagination of Abbas Shayir”, prof. K.Allambergenov’s “Bulbulservis Buyuk Shoyir”, “Bozatao” and “Historical Truth”, “Mard Edige”, “Edige” epic, “Golden Age” and “Maoenennax”, “Karakalpak literature of Independence”, “Eternal Pond” a writer who embraced the world “, dots. M.Bekbergenova’s “Some Problems of Program, Heritage and Creative Translation in Karakalpak Literature”, “World Literature”, “Fundamentals of Literature” and others. published textbooks, manuals, monographs. Among them was the publication of the book “Karakalpak literature of the twentieth century” (15 pp) for the teachers of the academic lyceum and vocational colleges by A. Pakhratdinov, K.Allambergenov, M.Bekbergenova from the “Bilim” publishing house in 2007. In 2009, these books were written by these authors for a total of 40 bc. The textbook “History of Karakalpak literature of the twentieth century” was issued to NMMC certificate number 091 and was published in 2011 by Karakalpakstan Publishing House. At the present time, the professors of the department K.Orazymbetov, A.Pahratdinov, K.Allambergenov and docent M.Bekbergenova made 40 bc. in the volume “The publication of the 20th century Karakalpak historical textbook in print. This textbook was issued to the license holder of the license number 603-035 for publication by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of Order No. 63 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 24, 2017. In short, all these are the usual practices of the future of the department. There is much hope for the future of the department. At the department there are significant tasks for the future scientific and pedagogical staff training. At the department, young scientists such as M.Esebaev, P.Dabylov, Q.Mambetov, Z.Kaybekova, G.Allambergenova, T.Tortkulbaeva are trained in the doctorate and base doctorate. These young scientists are guided by the leading scientists, in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.365 of December 28, 2012 “On measures to improve the system of postgraduate education and certification of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical cadres” The Regulations on Further Education “and the new version of the dissertation defense provisions of this Provision in 2017 (PhD) and (DD) on doctoral dissertation topics work is on the rise. At the department, many studies are currently underway in the spiritual and educational spheres. For example, in December 2017 in honor of the 190th jubilee of Ajiniyaz Kasibay oghlu, the Hero of Uzbekistan, the 85th anniversary of the People’s Writer of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan T.Kayypbergenov, the Hero of Uzbekistan, the People’s Poet of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan in connection with the 190th anniversary of the Karakalpak people Berdag Ghargabay u The 80th anniversary of Professor J. Narymbetov, the 105th anniversary of A.Shamuratov, the jubilees of the 80th anniversary of U.Pirjanov, the anniversary of the 80th anniversary of Yusupov, the literary scholars, PhD, Presentations of new works of G.Matyakupova, Sh.Sh.Satniddinov, K.Allambergenov, S.Ibragimov, presentations of scientific-theoretical conferences were organized. In general, teachers of the department are able to do their utmost to maintain their own liver, science and pedagogical skills in order to flourish the chair called the head. It’s a humble job, not just because of their professional merit, but the debt and fiscal obligations before the Homeland.