Ellikqala. Pedagogy


Dean of the Faculty:

f.m.f.n. prof.  J.P.Allanazarov


+998 93 920-61-70;  +998 99 525-42-60



 veb sayt:


Ellikqala. Pedagogy faculty of Nukus state pedagogical institute was founded in the 24th of July, 2019 in the base of Bustan academic liceum in Ellikqala district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan according to the decree 669 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The learning campus of the faculty has a capacity of 720 students and there are 2 dormitories which have a capacity of 300 students too.

There’s a gym, kitchen which has a capacity of 300 people, library with reading room (capacity 50 students) and 1700 books (900 handbooks, 615 of them belong to socio-political field, 65 textbooks, 120 fiction), computer room, lingophone room for teaching foreign languages, assembly hall (capacity 300 people), lecture hall (capacity 100 people) on campus as well.

Organizing of the faculty in Ellikkala district provided great convenience for the students from the South of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region. In the beginning of 2019-2020-academic year more than 300 students (from specialties methods of teaching mathematics, Uzbek language and literature, physical culture, Elementary education and sports education, English language and literature, Preschool education) who desired to study have begun their education process at the faculty.

They are being taught by the professors of the departmentments of Social and Humanities, Physical and Natural Sciences of the Faculty.

Along with the launch of the students’ educational process, science circles were organized based on sports, computer literacy, etc within the 5 major initiatives of our President.

There is also a team of cheerful and intelligent students called “Creativ” (team of theatrical young student amateurs) has been actively involved on the day when the Uzbek language was given the status of the state language, International Teacher’s day and is developing their activities.

Competitions in volleyball, football, table tennis, track and field athletics, wrestling and chess among students are being held as well.

Departments of the Faculty

  1. Department of Social Humanities
  2. Department of exact and natural sciences

The faculty is preparing students for the following types of undergraduate:

  •  5110100- Methods of teaching mathematics.
  • 5112000- physical culture
  • 5111200- Uzbek language and literature
  • 5111400- Foreign language and Literature ( English language and literature)
  • 5111700 – Initial educational and sports educational work
  • 5111800 – Pre-school education