Department of “Preschool education and defectology”

 In the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, the department “Preschool education and defectology” is a specialty of the department of defectology, which is headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Bekimbetova Ainagul Amangeldievna.


In the direction of special education (speech therapy), it is planned to train a specialist in the correction of speech defects. Special schools for defectologists at boarding schools, special preschool institutions, general education schools, preschool institutions, Muruvvat orphanages, speech therapists, institutions of the Ministry of Health.

Currently, the Department of Preschool Education and Defectology has 12 full-time professors and teachers. Conduct educational work in the direction of education 5111900-Defectology (speech therapy). The department has 2 associate professors – Bekimbetova. A Nurzhanova. R, 9 teaching assistants – Tasbayeva. G, Salamova. F, Saparov. A, Tadzhimuratova. K, Dzhumabaeva. G, Yerzhanova. M, Kurbamuratova. Z, Esnazarova. 3 and 2 trainee teachers – Karlibaeva. J, Shakirova. S.

The department works with intelligent students. Among them is the Circle of Young Defectologists. In the speech therapy room, she is engaged in extracurricular activities, using the most convenient equipment for speech therapy classes. Various speech therapy seminars and trainings are organized. Such activities are very important in transforming students’ knowledge into practical skills, in training competitive specialists. Our smart girls prepared a column on television, conducted lessons and gave advice to parents.


In particular, the Department of Preschool Education and Defectology conducts internships in special preschool educational organizations, boarding schools of the Republic of Karakalpakstan on the basis of a cooperation agreement between teachers

 On May 20-21, 2021, an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Preschool education: experience, problems and development prospects” was held at the department under the guidance of the head of the department and professors-teachers.


In 2019, an agreement was signed with the French University INSHEA. In 2021, a direction was signed with the Kuban Pedagogical University under the 2 + 2 program.

 According to the work plan of the Department of Preschool Education and Defectology with foreign universities, Associate Professor of the Kuban State University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Regina Ilyinishna Solenova, through the Zoom platform, conducted a seminar on the topic “Various features of the professional activity of a teacher of higher education in modern conditions of educational transformation.”

The head of the department Bekimbetova A. took an active part in the propaganda work “New Uzbekistan – a new look” in the Nukus region. In her speeches, she spoke about the current innovations in the country at the initiative of the President, achievements in science, conditions created for our youth and people, large-scale construction work, paid attention to each direction.